Graduate Program

Master of Science Program


Applicants possessing a Bachelor's degree in engineering or science from an institution with undergraduate programs that are substantially equivalent in length, content, and quality to those at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) are invited to apply for admission as regular graduate students in the Department of Chemical Engineering. In addition to meeting these criteria, applicants must also satisfy the general admission requirements set forth by the Graduate School.

Detailed procedures for submitting an online application can be found on the website below:

M.Sc. Degree Plan

The details about the degree plan in M.Sc can be found from the following file:

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Doctor of Philosophy Program


Applicants holding an M.S. degree from a university of recognized standing are eligible for admission to the doctoral program, provided they meet the Graduate School's requirements for Ph.D. admission. Applicants are also required to demonstrate a suitable scientific background in the proposed field of study. Any deficiencies in prior academic preparation must be addressed within the first two semesters of enrollment.

For a detailed online application procedure, please visit the website below:


Ph.D. students must complete 30 credit hours of coursework, maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 throughout their program. After completing one academic year of study, students are also obligated to present an annual seminar.

A comprehensive examination, encompassing both written and oral components, is conducted upon completion of major and minor field coursework. The minor must be chosen from fields relevant to the professional scope of chemical engineering, including specific areas in chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, or systems engineering.

For those specializing in chemical engineering, the written examination covers the following subject areas:

  • Paper I: Transport Phenomena and Separation Processes (Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, and Separation Processes)
  • Paper II: Equilibrium and Rate Processes (Thermodynamics, Reaction Kinetics, and Process Control)

The minor area for the written examination is selected in consultation with the student's advisor. The Oral Examination is scheduled within one semester following the written examination, affording sufficient time for the student and advisor to prepare the dissertation proposal. Based on the comprehensive examination, students may be advanced to Doctoral Degree Candidacy. A student is allowed only two attempts at the Comprehensive Examination.

Upon successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination, candidates are required to prepare and submit a dissertation on an approved research topic. This dissertation should represent a rigorous, original study within the chemical engineering domain. A dissertation committee within the Department guides the candidate throughout this research process and reviews the dissertation's contents. The public defense of the dissertation is arranged by the candidate, in consultation with the committee and following the approval from the College of Graduate Studies.

Ph.D. Degree Plan

The details about the degree plan in PhD can be found from the following file:

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For further inquiries contact: 

Mohammad Mozahar Hossain 
Graduate Advisor                                 
Chemical Engineering Department               
Tel: +966-3-860-2205                         